Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Seaworld abused killer whales and since the animals there are killer whales and orcas one person was laying beside the killer whale and tilikum pulled her in by her pony tail and drowned her the second person experienced blunt force trauma and died in the water the orca was also in poor condition cause it was captured from the wild and force the perform and since the keepers abused it he had lung bacterial infection and died to the dirty waters

Monday, November 4, 2019

1st quarter

Are we did was change 4th block nothing really changed only our assignments but I have classes with a bunch of new people and it’s kinda weird not being with all my friends and I met alot new people

Friday, October 11, 2019


My family and I are going to dinner to celebrate my birthday and I’m going to have a sleep over with my friend